Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Check In - in case you missed me.

I was planning to be more active blogging, but something happened.
This past weekend, Mom had an adverse reaction to a medicine and for the time being doesn't need to be left alone. So, as the retired son,  I have been spending a lot of time with her. My brother (younger)  still works as does his wife.  So it is logical for me to be there more.  Mom doesn't have internet service so blogging only happens when I can get home.
I can answer email on my phone but I find it problematic.  Sometimes I get bitten by the autocorrect fail monster.
Yesterday, I got an email on my phone telling me that I had won a prize. Melissa Corry at Happy Quilting emailed to tell me that I had won a layer cake of  Hello Darling by Bonnie and Camille.(Moda fabrics)
I absolutely love the red print shown in the upper left corner of this photo.  Wouldn't it be a fun focus fabric for a red and white quilt? I may need to find this and buy at least a yard of it.

Last night i got to sleep in my own bed -and it felt wonderful.  Why is it that your own bed is always more comfortable?
if I don't answer your comment right away - I am sorry.  But right now, Mom is the priority. (And I am in the cast of a musical in the chorus so that is taking time also. It is a good thing I have a phone with my calendar and reminders set on it.

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger" - I can not reply.


Barbara said...

Glad all is well, take care and catch up when you can.

Vicki W said...

It's so good that you can be there for your Mom. I hope she is better soon!

Barb said...

What a great win and wonderful son!

Beth said...

I did actually miss seeing you post! I am working on a top I think I am going to send for your kids quilt project soon. Its a free pattern on Missouri Star to make churn dashes with a layer cake. I had a Me and My sister layer cake for eons. I just knew what it was for when I watched that tutorial. Easy and very little waste. I am at my dad's house, so totally understand the parental thing! Pray for me when Dad DRIVES! HA! I think next visit, I am renting a car! lolol

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Holding a good thought for your mom and for you as well as you do this work that can only be done out of love.

The red print that you like so much? I have a blouse in that print in black and white and I just love it. It draws compliments every time I wear it.

Thanks for finding the time to post despite your overly full schedule right now. I look forward to your blog like no one else's, Gene.

suemac said...

Congrats on being a winner. I saw your name on Happy Quilting.

kathyinozarks said...

lucky you-more fabric-enjoy it Gene. Hope you Mom feels better soon sending you both a big hug

Sarah said...

Gene I am so sorry about you mother. I hope she is improving.

QuiltShopGal said...

I hope your mom feels 100% very soon. I bet she is really enjoying you being retired and able to spend time with her right now too!


Rhonda said...

Parents are precious and I'm glad you are able to be with her. My mom turned 82 the other day so I'm very happy to have her with me. Take care of mom!!!

Linda said...

Congratulations on winning that beautiful layer cake!
Don't ever feel you have to apologize for taking time away from blogging to take care of your mom. You will never regret spending time with her while you can!