“Failure is success in progress”― Albert Einstein
Since I am not yet sure what sewing project I will work on next, I decided to go back to my roots and play with paint. One thing that is very popular now is an acrylic pour - sometimes known as a dirty pour.After mixing up some paints according to the videos I have watched, I made two small pours on 6" by 6" canvases. Neither of them did like the videos I have seen with multicolored cells and a dramatic effect.
Here is the one I like best.
At this point they have to remain flat to dry (for possibly days!) This one shows some small cells although they are not at all dramatic.
The other one is less successful I think.
I didn't see any cells in this one except the small ones at the top of the photo. It really looks like the aftermath when a dog has eaten crayons and got an upset tummy. (sigh!)
I like the upper left corner of this one but the rest of it - yuck.
Right now, they will sit until dry.
There is still a possibility that these may change as they dry. There is also a possibility that I will paint over them completely at some point in time. Or maybe I will change my paints and additives and try pouring over them.
Experimentation sometimes leads to discoveries. And sometimes, it just makes a mess. But if you are paying attention, the mess can be a lesson in what doesn't work.
"The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." Albert Einstein
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” —Thomas Edison.

Your talents never cease to amaze me, Gene. Interesting art form, can't wait to see them dry.
The art teacher I am assisting does this a lot with the kids ... pouring paint ... pealing paint .. putting tape across in different directions and pouring more paint ... I don't know how one can tell when it is done. (and my part of the job is to clean up after the paint flingers)
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