The Island Batik Ambassadors were given the theme "Make it Modern" for the month of May. My idea of a modern quilt was vague at best before learning of this challenge. Fortunately we were given a list of Modern Quilt characteristics. These are the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, Minimalism, expansive negative space, alternate grid work.
After reading that and looking at some examples, I suddenly said "Oh, I can do that! I do it already."
Perhaps you remember this photo from a previous post.
That bit of improv piecing was the beginning of my May Modern Quilt.
I pieced lots of improv units - and I did not make the sizes consistent at all! After all, I was planning to
"Make it Modern."
After gathering all of my units together I put my chosen gray solid from Island Batik down and played with the units laying on it. When I finally got a layout that seemed artistically balanced to me - and that I liked, I started making the units and background into sections that could be joined into a whole quilt top.
----Now that was a bit of a challenge, but I learned that it is not only possible, but it isn't as hard as I expected it to be.
Once the top was constructed, I needed a backing and a batting.
For the backing I used an Island Batik Neutral named Whip Cream but since I had to piece it, I decided to use more improv piecing for a strip to join the two pieces. I used an "oops" block from a previous Island Batik Challenge. It was sliced and re-sewn with some inserted strips. Then it was cut into sections. Those sections were joined with some fabric from an Island Batik Stash pack. Be patient, I will show it in the post - but later.
The batting is a delightful surprise for me. It is a Hobbs BLACK Batting that is 80/20. It quilted wonderfully and didn't beard through the top or backing at all. As you can see, it didn't affect the colors on the front of the quilt except to intensify the richness of them.
The quilt was quilted randomly in what I consider a type of improv quilting - thus adding another layer of improv to this quilt.
Of course on a lovely still morning, I hung the quilt on a line stretched between two trees. I got ready to take a picture and........ This Happened!
On that nice windless day, the wind suddenly began to blow - and the quilt danced on the breeze.
A bit of patient waiting and I managed a photo with it hanging relatively straight.
One of the things I love about spring is that verdant green fields we have here in Alabama.
You may notice the binding on the quilt mostly blends into the background fabric. But there are three places where colored strips were randomly added to break it up just a bit.
Here are a few closeups showing some of the quilting. I used an Aurifil gray for the quilting on this quilt as well as for piecing.
Oh, wait, did I promise to show the back? I won't make you wait any longer.
Even the backing has a modern vibe, don't you think?
Let's check on the "Modern" aspects of this quilt
Improv piecing is definitely featured.
Use of Bold Colors? I do believe you can say that is so.
High contrast and graphic areas of solid color - definitely high contrast.
Expansive negative space- yes indeed there is lots of gray background.
Alternate grid work - again - yes indeed.
The products used for this project were graciously provided by the sponsors of the Island Batik Ambassadors. They are: Island Batik fabrics, Hobbs Batting, and Aurifil Threads.
I am very thankful to be able to use these fine products and I do suggest you try them.
If you are looking for some Island Batik fabrics to use in your own quilt, you can go to the
website and use the
store locator.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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