Monday I went to the MD to find out what was happening. Was it a rotator cuff tear or strain? Was it an impinged nerve? I really didn't want to have surgery - and miss being in the play. ARRRGH.
The doc did some manipulations and asked lots of questions. He palpated the areas and told me the "bad news" - which, compared to my worst cast scenarios, was good news. I have bursitis that is inflamed and is causing muscle cramps/spasms. Of course it is my dominant hand. So, my creativity has tanked. And the muscle relaxer is knocking me on my tush. I did manage rehearsals this week - with some adaptations. My director was lovely to understand and adapt. His main concern was "will it affect the ukulele?" I told him "I WILL manage."
So to the faces for today: First is a sketchbook drawing of a friend of mine. He fell asleep watching TV in the recliner so I grabbed a sketchbook and drew him lightly snoring.
This next page is a notebook from my work days. I would sketch during meetings.
Oddly this helped me to remember much better than if I took notes.
If I took notes, I would end up writing a grocery list or maybe an idea for
a poem or story. That is just one of my many quirky characteristics.
I am sure I "wasted" several work pens sketching and practicing shading techniques. Ha ha
Honestly, I bought most of my own pens because I could get the ones I like.
This is my birthday month so my family will be celebrating Saturday
with a nice lunch. As I am on a medically supervised diet to reverse my
type II diabetes, I will be making a cake with no wheat and no sugar.
And yes, it will be delicious! (Virta Health is my diet plan.)
Clicking the link will take you to her blog. It is great fun
to see how various people interpret the challenge.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative