I know that many people get uptight about their free-motion quilting because of small mistakes. Folks, I make small mistakes pretty much every time I sit down to quilt. Do I let it bother me? In truth, it used to bother me. Now, I embrace the "oops" and carry on. Unless the tension is bad or there are "eyelashes" on the back, I just leave it and keep going.
Yes, I will show you a mistake. Why not, I don't love it but I said "That, right there, is something that shows this was guided by human hands!"
What happened? I lost my path and got a variation. It is a flower and not all flowers are perfect.
Go on, go outside and check them. Are you back yet? Ha ha.
And if you make a mistake -embrace the Oops - maybe repeat it a few times and then it looks like you meant to do it.
Sometimes, I do simple quilting patterns that give me a rest break in a section. This one in the dark fabric is super easy. It is a "straight" line (sorta straight anyway) and a curvy line. You can do variations on this by using 2 straight, 1 curvy OR two curvy and one straight OR make up your own variations.
You don't have to be consistent with it either. The quilt gets quilted and the variety adds a bit of interest, especially if you are doing it on the entire quilt. As I was typing this I realized that if you were doing a full quilt with just this idea you could alternate straight into curvy on a single line. Then alternate the next line with the opposite of the first one. OR line up 2 (or 3) the same and then do one all curvy (or straight) and make it even more interesting. Okay, so now you see a bit how my peculiar mind works.
If you are looking closely, you will see that each section is a bit (or a lot) different than the one next to it. One of my rules is to do a section in curves and use straight lines in the next section. Of course, I can break that rule if I want to break it. As long as the entire quilt gets quilted I am happy.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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