I have been building this evening. I got an email that my order had come in and I could pick it up. Great! I want it....I need it - that is why I ordered it. No, I am not telling you what "it" is yet. Didn't you read the title? It is a mystery.
So I got the box home and opened it.
LOTS of pieces and hardware - hmmm. I think - does that mean lots of work?
(yes it does!)
So I started laying out the pieces to get an idea what I was dealing with.
This is getting interesting. (or is that scary?)
So I start following the directions and slowly, painfully slowly, it starts to take form
At this point I am having thoughts - not necessarily nice ones - about the manufacturer.
I am also thinking I know where I will probably have my next career - I can be a sailor. I am pretty sure I know how to talk like one. (yikes, I am glad no one heard that language)
I am also thinking of going back to the website and looking for the fine print that mentions that "an engineering degree is helpful, but not required" Oh yeah, and how about that disclaimer that should have been there about needing 3 hands and a contortionist's body to manage some of this? Where was that????
Almost three hours later, I have this nice piece that is ready for a picture but is still not complete. I am thinking an hour tomorrow evening and I will be ready to do a real setup on this:
My new sewing table.
Notice the drop leaf on the left that will extend the length of the top. I am not yet posting an "open" picture because it is incomplete. However, there will be room to put my sewing machine AND my serger inside it for storage. AND it opens up and the machine in use goes right on top.
This is not an expensive table as I couldn't afford one at this time. However, this will fit my needs for a while and still look nice. (and it rolls so I can move it room to room!)
PS- If I haven't commented on your blog post today, this is probably why. I have been very busy. And now,
I am tired!