I have been reading various things that are supposed to help creativity. I have done this before and found that some of these things work for me.
Honestly after all the rush getting things ready for Christmas, I feel like I need a break. So one of the (hopefully) simple things I am going to do is take a "time out" from sewing and blogging for a couple of weeks. Now, I am not promising that I can make it two weeks. I am hoping that this will let my creativity stew up some great idea and get back on track.
Now, I know that I can't take a blogging break without letting some of you know it. A year or so ago, I went on a cruise and didn't buy the internet package - Whoa! I got back ashore and discovered that someone actually missed me. A couple of you were ready to call out the CIA, FBI and any other agency that could track me down. (Thanks, that made me feel really good, after I got over thinking "what? I can't take a week off?") So for this break I am saying "Hey y'all, I am fine, I just need a rest"
That said, I may have to come online a bit to read some of you blogs so I don't fall too far behind. (LOL, I do have a bit of a net addiction you know) But if I don't comment, don't worry, I will be back. With any luck, I will be better than ever.
So as this is
Peace be with you till we meet again. I plan to have some fun things going the next time I post.
Oh yes, so many of you have been wonderful to me this year. Thanks for making my year so good.
PS. I will NOT be replying to comments on this post. I hope you understand - it is part of the break thing.
See ya mid-January.