I have been using Electric Quilt 7 to make some applique designs. I think that these designs would make great machine embroidery designs. So in the coming weeks I will be converting these designs into machine embroidery designs.
Here is a sneak peek at two of the designs:
Puff the Penguin |
My Little House |
What would be your preference: Total machine embroidery OR a combination of applique and machine embroidery?
APPLIQUÉ for me!
I like either way and love penguins. Will you be selling any?
Dear, "No-Reply" Pat, I do plan to sell some.
I like a combination of both...
What a good "sneak peak".
I'm with Barb, combo for me too!
Alright that is just toooo cute. The penquin would be cute in craft.
I"m guessing you already know what I think....the combination is fun and I'd like to see it. But, I also like to see what ever you are in the mood to do at the time as well. Sometimes, we just need to go with what the moment dictates.
How cute!!! Definitely applique for me as I cant do the embroidery ones.
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