Saturday, December 14th dawned rainy and dreary. The weather forecast said that we should have sun by afternoon. That didn't happen. The weather was dreary all day long. But, we had sunshine! It was in our hearts and on our faces, but most of all on faces of the teens at Ogden house. I wish I could share their smiles with you, but that is prohibited. So, trust me, there were smiles!
Thanks to a group of amazing quilters from many places, we had 26 quilts donated. It was a delight to unload the trunk of the car at the facility. We put the quilts on the pool table in the common are of the facility and let the teens choose the quilt that said "love" to them.
One quilt wasn't even unfolded before it was chosen. The young lady saw it and said "I want that one" The sender had included a note to be given with the quilt. This was
priceless. The note said that the quilt was for someone special. I heard this young lady proudly telling the others "I am special." She also showed the note to everyone. Everyone needs a chance to be special. I hope that all of these kids know that they are special, indeed, that they are loved. Many of them checked to see "where did my quilt come from?"
One young lady chose her quilt for the backing fabric. That was a surprise to me, but I was so pleased to see that it made her happy. (you will hear her tell why in the days to come.)
The staff at the facility that were working, Jean and Eric, are wonderful people. You will see Ms. Jean in the prize drawing video. Several times she almost teared up looking at the quilts and talking about "her kids" at the facility.
So what did it look like around that table? I had to crop the pictures to get rid of faces, but here is a bit to see.
Everyone was looking at the quilts, The quilts were folded, unfolded and refolded several times.
Even Mr. Eric was looking at the quilts. He commented that they are really art. You can see his arm in the picture below.
I have a couple of videos of individual teens saying "Thank you" and telling why they love the quilt they chose. We filmed them from the neck down for privacy reasons. Those will show up in a day or two. I still need to process that video.
So, or should I say SEW, here are the winners:
All of the winners have been emailed and I have heard back from most of them. There are two that I am still arranging the logistics of the prize claiming.
Thanks to everyone! And
Merry Christmas to you all!

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated.