Some kind soul asked if we would be doing the Quilt Angels project again this year. I answered with a resounding yes. The Quilt Angels project has been my Christmas project since 2011. So right now I am thinking of Christmas in July.
For those of you who don't know about the Quilt Angels, let me give a brief overview.
Photo Courtesy of Dave Burks |
Quilt Angels is a project that provides quilts to young people who are in the Ogden House shelter in Alabama. This shelter is a safe place for children ages 12-17 that are temporarily displaced from their families or are deemed a child in need of services, not "juvenile delinquents.” Some of them have made poor choices due to the lack of parenting. The youth participate in activities that will increase their knowledge of life skills. Some examples of life skills training they receive will include chores, cooking, budgeting, and other independent living skills. The children also volunteer and perform community services work while in the program and attend public schools to continue their educations. But one of the most important things is that they are given both love and appropriate discipline. They learn the boundaries and how to live within them.
So, we want them to know that love comes from everywhere. And what better way to show love than with a warm snuggly quilt? We ask for large lap quilt-- up to bed quilt size. These young people leave the shelter with a visible sign of love - a quilt. We deliver the quilts to the shelter usually the week before Christmas.
Each year I have been honored to do this has changed me. I have learned to be more accepting; to be more grateful; and to be more generous. I realize that the life I change just could be the one that makes this world a better place. That thought thrills my heart.
So, if you want to know more - there is a tab at the top of my blog; or you can click
here. The posts from the past years are linked on that page.
We are always happy to have sponsors for prize and will give you links in the posts and our undying gratitude.
So if you would love to donate a quilt - you have several months to work on it- you can let me know now or wait until the big kickoff in November.
Here is Ms. Jean, one of the house mothers, saying thanks.
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