Craftsy is having a Shop to Unlock Sale today (November 8) through tomorrow night (November 9th.) When you buy a class - already on sale - you will get access to another set of classes that are on sale.
What makes Craftsy classes so great? Once you purchase them, you can watch when you want to. They are yours for life. No DVDs to worry about losing or breaking. (A friend of mine had her 3 year old put a DVD in the toaster and it destroyed the DVD and the toaster.)
You can ask questions of the teacher AND your classmates making it easier to learn on your schedule. There are SO many classes, but the sale is only today and tomorrow.
My blog is

Good of you to keep us informed. One of these days I'll jump in, but not before the holidays. Thanks, Gene.
PS...loved the toasted DVD image!
I'm with Barbara - maybe one of these days I'll take a class - but not before the holidays - ;))
And your toaster story reminds me of the grandson who decided to butter his bread BEFORE he put it in the toaster - and basically FRIED the toaster when he tried to toast the buttered bread - AND set off the smoke alarms - ;))
thanks Gene, I have started to collect a few of their classes. oh my dvd in a toaster-what children won't do-lol
I love the classes at Craftsy. I checked them out this morning and enrolled in two!
The time to get them is when they are on sale. It is great that you can access them FOREVER!
Have a wonderful day!
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