Friday, December 26, 2014

Post Holiday Relaxation

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.  Today I am relaxing a bit with some yarn spinning.  This was something I started last night and finished one bobbin full.   Here is my second bobbin started.  The bright blue in the photo is the leader yarn.  The purple blend is what I am spinning.
I am using two different rovings.  One is a purple and blue mix with some hot pink in it.  The other is a yellow/orange/light pink mix.  I have a nice purple warp that I will be putting on the loom at some time in the future and this yarn will play very nicely with it.
I hope that you are spending the day doing something you enjoy.

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Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger" - I can not reply.


SewCalGal said...

Glad you are finding time to relax, enjoy and create. Your yarn is beautiful. I look forward to seeing what you create with it.


kathyinozarks said...

Good morning Gene, the colors are gorgeous-enjoy your day

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Your yarn is beautiful - I love the color combination - ;)) And if I admit that I actually know what "warp" means - does that count as another "Squirrel"?? - ;))

Barbara said...

Yay, fixed nowwhat I wanted to say is how lovely your yarn looks, and how I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it!

Jeanna said...

Beautiful yarn Gene. Sounds like a great way to relax.

Beth said...

That is a whole lotta yarn Gene. And all of it just beautiful.

Jackie's Stitches said...

I love the yarn you're spinning up- it's gorgeous!

Happy New Year!

suemac said...

Beautiful yarn. Love the colors.