One of the comments on my last post was from Caroline (she gets the email version.) She mentioned that the points could alternate if you do the triangle version. That would fill in the "odd" areas that were left un-quilted.
So if you did this as an all over design, you could do it in rows and certainly use the triangle version nicely.
I grabbed my pad and pen to try it.
Wow that creates a very stylized design that reminds me of an Art Deco border design. This would actually be great for a quilt border.
I have the machine set up for sewing blocks for a project I am working on- so I haven't tried stitching it yet. It will be on the "to do" list. I also want to doodle it some more and see if I can take it around a corner. When you are using something as a border design, it is really nice if you can make it go around a corner.
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When I was in San Antonio I had a whole book of doodles....I would doodle while in church (am I bad??)...but I am OCD in some respects so that helped me keep focused on what was being said...least ways that is my story. Love your doodles.
Man, I will buy your book on this. I get a hurty head trying to create such things myself. Looks great!
Looks great Gene. I can see a way to doodle around that corner, but I'm not a machine quilter so I'm not sure how hard it would be to actually sew.
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