Thursday, June 16, 2016

Four of Them

Following my own suggestion, I made four of the economy blocks by chain piecing them.  It did go much faster except for the bobbin that messed up and caused me to sew with air for several pieces.
I also used my suggestion to alternate values. Since my centers were multicolor and multi value, I was able to use the same center fabric for all the blocks. (and that is a print fabric, I did NOT piece tiny bits to make the center.)
They all have nice value changes, but it obvious that the two outer rounds affect the appearance of the center square.  The two with the dark touching the center seem to pop a bit more to me.  This tells me that the center square fabric is toward the lighter end of the value scale.
I will probably make more of these and see what I come up with as a layout.  I may add some other pieced blocks with it.
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Barbara said...

Of course, you *will* add something different! I'd wonder where Gene went if you didn't. I agree with the popping. I'm trying this!

Jeanna said...

Great blocks...the over-achiever in you came out with those centers...LOL!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Ahh, phew...thank you for mentioning that the center blocks are NOT pieced. For a moment I thought you were a wizard!! Well, I guess I think you are anyway! I'm just learning to build blocks and I like the way changing color placement switches up these blocks.

Marlene said...

The colourful fabric in the centre is really interesting in this application. I like it on both the light and the dark background and think an entire quilt done alternating backgrounds just as you have would be fabulous.