My heart is saddened by hate and violence. My heart is touched when someone reaches out to help or show love to others.
This morning while reading blogs, one touched me. Lisa, at In the Boon Docks, mentioned that the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild is collecting for the survivors and families of the victims of the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. So, following the link I found more information. There is a list of things that would help. I have opted to make some blocks as I have lots of fabric and can do that for them. The request for blocks is that they have a heart or hearts on them; bright -preferably rainbow colors; and make them 10.5 inches (finish to 10 inches.)
So, I grabbed a rainbow of colors and cut strips. Then I made them into blocks. But first a test block:
Okay it appears to be working. So I made some more.
I did the one on the bottom right because I messed up the cutting-- it was too short, so I improvised. I may like it best of all. I may make a few more, but I will try to find a fabric in my stash that I can use for the entire heart. Or I may make a different block and add hearts on it another way.
My heart goes out to the family and friends of those who lost loved ones - and to the survivors who surely need to be assured that the world is not a terrible place; that they are loved; that they are important. I don't talk about my religious beliefs on my blog usually, but I have seen such hate spewed from people who claim to be Christians that I must say this. Jesus specifically told us to LOVE others. We are also told that judgement is not ours but God's.
Now I ask you, please do not post any negative comments. It will hurt my heart, but I will heal and I will delete them. As this is "my house" on the internet, I do get some say in what is said here. I appreciate those of you who understand.
Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.
Beautifully stated. Thank you. Now I am off to find fabric for a few heart blocks.
Gene, this tragedy is beyond words. As I am brought to tears watching survivors talk about what happened, losing loved ones and how they could not help save their friends, others are making negative comments that cause me to ask what is wrong with them!
My religious beliefs are probably quite different than yours, but I live by the Golden Rule and can only wish everyone did.
I'm new to sewing blocks, but I'll check out the link.
My heart is broken over what has happened and the reaction to it from too many places. Life is precious. Thank you for taking the time to create comfort for those who are suffering. May the peace of the Lord be with all.
Beautiful, Gene.
You said it beautifully, Gene!
I'm glad you are able to lovingly donate such beautiful quilt blocks to a great cause. This special project sends an important message not just to the victims and their families, but to the whole world.
Amen and Amen!!!
Judging is NOT our job, it surely is in God's hands.
I just learned about this guild's efforts and hope to contribute in some way also. As you know, my daughter attends UCF. She has friends, schoolmates and acquaintances that were either at the location or had been at the location of this horrific incident.
Halli is participating in the various fund raising efforts happening in Orlando and we are all praying for peace and comfort for those affected.
I love your heart blocks, Gene. Thank you for writing this wonderful post! Big hugs :)
Amen, Gene!
The bible says, " Do not judge & criticize & condemn others, so that you may not be judged & criticized & condemned yourselves. For just as you judge & criticize & condemn others, you will be judged & criticized & condemned, & in accordance with the measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt out again to you."
Matthew 7:1-3 Ampflied Bible
Lovely hearts! I think the "messed up one" is my favorite too. Mistakes can be such wonderful design opportunities!
Your hearts are fabulous and your desire to help only shows that you have a fabulous helping heart. You are one amazing person and I do hope no one would ever hurt your heart. It was very tragic and sometimes you wonder what people are thinking when they create such hate in their hearts to do something like this. Even for a religion to ask its people to do this to me is not a religion because like you said we are told to love. People like you do make the world a better place.
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