Wednesday, June 08, 2016

How can I Still Use That One?

Before I retired,  I had bought shirts with a work logo on them.  I had several shirts that were really no longer appropriate to wear because of the logo.   Some of them have been transformed with my handwoven fabrics.  But today, I decided to try a bit of something different with this one.   It is a tan cotton button down, that I always referred to as my "gas station attendant" shirt.  (Only those of you of a certain age will understand that reference.)

With some hand dyed fabric that I got from Colorways By Vicki Welsh,  I made some patchwork.  Cutting the patchwork into a circle with a die cutter,  I made the patchwork into an applique.  I got the circle sewn on.  I realized that the area was a bit thick with the original embroidery on the shirt and the pieced applique.  Cutting away the backing seemed like the obvious choice.   So I started cutting. After I got it neatly cut away, I saw something: OOPS!  I had cut through the patchwork too.  (Yes I know I should get the funny looking applique scissors with the duckbill blade.)   Time for a regroup.  Hmm, okay fusible applique over the oops to cover it.   Then it needed a bit of something so I did a bit of thread painting on the applique pieces.  
Here is how it looks.
I have not mastered the "selfie" photo
Here is a close-up...just don't look too closely.
The red shapes are done with "Crafted Applique"
I really like having the edge of the applique inside the pocket. It also helps to cover the original embroidered section that way.

I mentioned other shirts.  Here are another I have recycled this way only with handwoven fabric.
This green one had a logo, but no pocket.  I really like a shirt pocket. Why not add one?  And for the wild muse, how about putting it at an angle?
The funny part is that the pocket is not obvious unless I have something in it. One friend said "I didn't realize it was a pocket" when I pulled a piece of paper out of it. 

My original upcycled shirt is this next one.  It did not have a logo - it was just a bit boring, and I was in a playful mood - and I had some batik fabric that I just wanted tp put on it.

Do you ever embellish your clothes to upcycle them or even to just change them?

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in posts may be affiliate links for which I am compensated if you click through and purchase.


A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I like your "pocket" and admire your creativity but no, I don't usually embellish my clothes. I can relate to the "certain age" - "Oops" - and "regroup", though - LOL - ;))

Barbara said...

Terrific use of imagination, and the results are Gene originals! I did something similar when a shirt I liked got a hole from a kitty claw. But I cheated a bit and covered it with a cutesy manufactured patch. It works!

Jeanna said...

That is a great idea, Gene. I would have never thought this but I do have several logo'd shirts that could use some embellishing. Great selfie, by the way :)

Marlene said...

The uniform shirts I worked in were ugly and no amount of embellishing could have changed that. 😝 Decades ago I did take the sleeves off an old denim shirt that my husband had worn through at the elbows. I embroidered and embellished it with trims, belted it, and then wore it as a bathing suit cover up. It got rave reviews and suggestions that I sell similar items.

Unknown said...

I really like the orange shirt, it's got real personality now! Great idea to make something ugly more wearable. I haven't tried making anything wearable yet...

Vicki W said...


Snoodles said...

We do that around here, too, or I should say that I do! It's a creative way to keep getting use out of what we have! Your shirts look great!

kathyinozarks said...
