I played with some designs in Electric Quilt.
First I did a simple grid pattern
not my favorite- try again
Better, but keep trying
I like it but not sure it is just right
Hey, I like this one and it follows the "theme" a bit better.
So I gathered fabrics and started the layout, cutting and sewing part of making a quilt. I had enough heart blocks -with one left over. Maybe that one will go on the back.
I have it in three row sections that I will quilt in pieces and then join - a variation on quilt as you go.
I put them all on the bed and tried for a good photo. That didn't happen so here are two "not so good photos" to share the idea of what it looks like.
(no I didn't make the bed, I just sort of straightened the sheet.)
So, now I get to layer and start quilting it. I haven't decided on the quilting yet..but it will probably be something rather simple and a larger motif so that it doesn't take me days to do it all. The quilt will be roughly 50 by 60 inches.
In other news, one of my enablers mentioned that she is taking Beyond Basic Machine Quilting on Craftsy. I couldn't resist taking it too. Someday I may be a really good free motion quilter. I have found that each class I take adds a bit to my mental stash of ideas. Plus doing the exercises really kicks up the skill levels. Hmm. I may do some classwork on the above quilt.
Time to get started.
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Go, Gene, go! Looking good. I like your heart quilt arrangements but I think you picked the right one for the rainbow colors you included.
Looks wonderful, Gene, and so fast! I will never be one of your enablers. You are so far and away beyond me!
What a beautiful original idea! I'm making a quilt, too, but I'm doing the recommended 5x6 blocks. The blocks are fast and easy, but I kinda wish I'd seen and copied your idea! Best of luck finishing the quilt!
I really like this. Great design--and a quilt that will warm someone's heart I a sure.
I REALLY like your layout - it fits the theme perfectly - and your free-motion quilting skills will make it even more special - ;))
Tears are flowing! I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO DO A COMPLETE QUILT....I JUST KNEW IT!!!! Sorry for the caps but there was feeling :)
I came across your blog today while I was trying to free the feed dogs on an old Kenmore that I just bought. The hair dryer did the trick! Thanks! Then I noticed your heart quilt! As a member of the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild, thank you!! I can't wait to see it! You will make someone who is suffering loss feel very blessed.
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