I got my rotary cutter and mat ready and the fabrics pressed and neat for cutting. But I noticed that a couple of the sizes of cuts would work with Accuquilt dies that I have. So I pulled out my Accuquilt Cutter and those dies. Here are my stacks of fabric all ready to make into a quilt.
Those stacks are each labeled with the letter from the cutting instructions as well as the size and number cut. I am trying to be really organized for this quilt along so that I finish it in the appropriate time frame. This should also be a lesson to keep me on-track for other projects.
You may notice that the purple and aqua/teal fabrics are still wrapped on the cardboard mini-bolts. That is because I will pick which one to use and cut those strips (2 1/2") as I need them. It is likely that I will use them both. I also have jelly roll leftovers for the scrappy fabrics listed in the cutting - but I may choose to cut those from yardage as I go along also.
I have finished all of the blocks for my "Left Handed Sampler" quilt along quilt. My plan is to use adding the sashings and cornerstones as "fill-in" time between other projects. I am sure I will show some of those as it progresses.

You have such great order. I never wait until I've cut out all the pieces, and I always say to myself that next time.... Beautiful colours you've got.
Love your colors!! It's great that you have dies in the sizes you need - that saves a lot of time. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress - ;))
Very nice fabric selection. The Accuquilt Go cutter sure makes short work of prepping the fabrics, doesn't it?
I enjoy seeing how you organize your projects.
I like the bright colorful fabric you are using for these.
As always, unplanned yet methodical! I don’t know how that happens, Gene, but that’s what I feel from your quilt-making. Always one of a kind results, yet somehow pre-planned. It must be creativity at the highest level!
These look great, Gene! I am so excited to see your units starting next week!
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