Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Stitchin' Away

You may remember that I started a piece of handwork that I can take with me to rehearsals.  So far it has not made it to a rehearsal, but it has certainly had some hands-on time.

You see,  my character comes onstage later in the play.  The director is rehearsing the play in order, so I have only been to the original read through. My first rehearsal is in about a week.  But I could not resist doing some stitching on this project.  And when I sit down with it, time passes easily.  I love the unplanned creativity in making this type of work.  I simply decide what thread and what stitches I am going to do as I go.

Originally I was planning for this to be a landscape orientation, but that changed. Of course, it could change back later, but I am enjoying the shapes in this orientation for now.

There is some machine couching on this that was done in the first step.  However, there is one thread that is hand couched.  That thread is larger and the only needles I have in that size are not sharps.  So I threaded it and forced the needle through the fabric, then I couched it with  a fine thread by hand. At the end, I forced it back through the fabric and knotted the end. I think it looks great.  It makes me glad that I didn't have the correct needle yet; so I learned the difference in machine and hand couching.
 I think machine couching presses the couched thread further into the piece. But the hand couching allows it to lay on top and have a greater textural impact. 

Fortunately, I have one of the fabric pieces I painted that will become my next handwork piece.

I also experimented with dyeing a skein of thread to use in my handwork. This thread is one that I have on a big cone for weaving but was about the same size as some of my perle cotton threads.

Hand dyed threads - I am not sure if it is cotton or bamboo.
The thread took the color nicely but it spread more than expected. (It is a learning process.)  It sews nicely so I am planning to dye some more in the next few days.  The next time I will be aware of the fact that it wicks so much and hopefully get more of the result I was going for.   But even if it surprises me, it will still be useful in this process.

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in comments will result in the entire comment being deleted.


Vicki W said...

Your hand dyed thread is beautiful!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Ooh - pretty!! I LOVE the colors in your handwork piece and in your dyed thread!! Your observation of the difference between machine and hand-couched thread is interesting - I never really thought about it - but it makes sense that the machine stitches would "mash" it down a bit - ;))

Turid said...

I love how it comes along, and my husband does too.

Debbie said...

Looking good! What patience you show with these stitches

For the love of geese said...

I love the canvas you chose. Your dyed thread looks great too. Dying fabric and thread is something I would like to try just never have researched the how to.

Barb said...

My husband just came in and saw that I was reading your blog, he said, oh you are talking to your boyfriend??? He said he would love to meet you sometime, I hope he can cos you are one good amazingly talented friend. I love what you are doing and sometimes these things do have a mind of their own.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

I don't know what you were looking for, but that hand dyed thread is gorgeous! So is your stitched piece. Really loving how it's turning out. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

Laura said...

I like that the piece told you which way to orient it. Isn't that fun?