Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Fabric to Digital

The idea to transform one of my art quilts into a digital drawing occurred to me while I was playing with my iPad.  Using a photo of the quilt as a reference,  I recreated the quilt in a digital drawing format. 

As you can see, they are different while maintaining the same concept. 
This was a great excuse for me to play with more of the "bubble shapes" that I love drawing. 
I haven't yet found a good technique to add the quilting lines on the digital painting. 
I did add some texture to the background layer to add to the depth of the work. 

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

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peppylady (Dora) said...

I need to get back to my fabric projects.

roentare said...

Both are good images though

Jeanna said...

The digital painting is a perfect re-creation of your quilt, minus the actual quilting. I'm happy you found yet another way to express your art, Gene.

Vicki W said...

You are really skilled with digital drawing!