Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Again? Time flies

So Friday has arrived again. That means more faces to share.  This week, just like last week, I am sharing images that I have created in Procreate drawing software on my iPad. 

First up is this recreation of a sketch from my paper sketchbook. 
I used that drawing (which was enhanced with watercolor) and used it as a reference. 
What?  There is on face on this one? Sure there is but it is facing away from you. 

Next up, I used the images of two parrots from a puzzle that we put together. 
I recreated them  drawing with my Apple Pencil, and did a pretty good job, I think. 
So there are two faces. 

And a final face. The reference for this was a simple line drawing from one of my sketchbooks.
I decided to keep it pretty simple but add a little color.  
Don't ask me about the headgear.  I don't remember how this came to be originally. 

So there you go.  My art to share in the Friday Face Off.   

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in comments will result in the entire comment being deleted.


Iris Flavia said...

Love the explanation to the first one!
And the parrots are cute.
The last one remind of a knight. On September 3rd in my old home town we have the biggest history festival of Northern Germany, my family all join, bet you´d love it!
Happy Friday!

Tom said...

...time flies when we are having fun, we must be having a blast!

sirkkis said...

Very nice pad paintings 👍🏼 Enjoy a weekend 🌝

Christine said...

Nice work!

Jeanna said...

I"m enjoying how you recreate pieces from previous artwork, Gene.

DVArtist said...

Hey Gene, you are killen' it with this art. I think you should start a book. I really love all three of them, however, there is something so special about the last on. The simplicity of the face that actually shows so much emotion. I hope your mom is doing well. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a very nice weekend.

Granny Annie said...

Awesome all!

My name is Erika. said...

I'm enjoying these procreate drawings Gene. The last one reminds me of something you might see in a advertisement. Have a super weekend. erika

roentare said...

Fantastic drawing as usual.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I recall a time when time went lot slower.

NatureFootstep said...

cool, love the desktop :) Looks like mine :)

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

How fun! And I love those parrots.