Thursday, August 01, 2024

Friday Face Off 08/02/24

I have had a busy week. I did put a pre-wound linen warp on my loom and have started weaving some fabric. This is the first linen warp I have used -and probably the last one I will use also.  Ha ha. 

My art today was created using my iPad and digital pencil again.  
Hibiscus -side view

Veronica Sanders 

And just for fun, this little fish swimming across is created in the same program.
I just had to do a bit of extra drawing to make him "move." 

If you look very closely on the top two, you may find a face used as a signature for the piece. I created a digital "stamp" for my art. I used an image of a rubber stamp that I carved by hand, to create the digital stamp. 

I am linking up the to "Friday Face Off" with Nicole.

Have a great weekend!

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in comments will result in the entire comment being deleted.


Iris Flavia said...

Yes, I found the face - fun idea!! I oversaw it first, though.... Have a happy Friday, Gene.

Mary Ruth said...

These are sooo cool.

I looked at some others as well, what fun.

I know your expertise to be in fabric arts. I saw your exhibit at the Anniston l really enjoyed it. Visited with some other ladies from my Quilting Group across the street at Parker Memorial Baptist. I thought your offering was wonderful.

According to some you are the arts go-o in this area for many arts. You even act, I’m told. How I’d love to meet you.

My name is Mary Ruth. I’m going to be 60 at the end of this month. I live in and hope to move soon to another apartment.
I don’t call myself a quilter. I love it but patchwork type that I was being taught I found very anxiety ridden.

I tried to reach you months ago. My friend offered me a rug hooking frame, some time ago, with which to start hooking. I made plans to have it delivered yesterday but he never took it to the folks bringing it. It’s in Fayetteville GA. I’m so disappointed. I was really excited about getting started. The reason I was aiming to talk to you is that you have done so many beautiful pieces. Quilting, weaving and other pieces. Have you ever done rug hooking? I live in Jacksonville. Do you know anyone locally that does or has? I m looking for hands on help. Or used equipment. Or materials. Or just to sit down for a nice cup of coffee to discuss quilting and rug hooking and punch needle.

I am so impressed with this art I think I’ll invest in the apple pen I’ve been eyeing to use with my iPad. Any suggestions?

Valerie-Jael said...

Your art gets better and better week by week, well done! Have a fun weekend, hugs!

roentare said...

These faces look like Simpson style

My name is Erika. said...

You are a master drawer with your iPad Gene. And how cool you could make that little fish swim. Very nice. Happy August to you!

Tom said...

...Gene, have an Awesome August!

Jeanie said...

These are wonderful faces! I'll be eager to see some of your weaving/fabric!

Jeanna said...

I saw the face in the first piece but figured I was just 'seeing things' LOL. Thanks for confirming I haven't completely lost it, yet. The swimming fish is awesome. You are doing such great things with your iPad. Enjoy your weekend, Gene.

DVArtist said...

Ohhh what a fun post. That face is fabulous. However, the fish just make me happy. Thank you for joining FFO.

carol l mckenna said...

Fun post and creative iPad creations ~ thanks,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)