Saturday, May 07, 2011

Basket, Winning and a Damage Picture

First of all, I am sorry it has been a few days since I posted.  We are still in Storm Recovery Mode and it does change your life for a while. 
Thursday the team I work on took a trip to one of our counties to access the damage.  Our timing was good as we got to meet the State EMA director.  The only picture I have of me with him is not the handshake picture I wanted.  So I am not posting that one.  
Here is a picture I took of some of the damage. 
(click to enlarge -right click and choose "open in new tab or window)
That yellow arrow is pointing to a blue thing - that is a car door. There was no blue car to be seen in the area.  There were trees that were twisted wildly. There were piles of rubble where a house had been. Often the neighboring house was almost damage free.  Some house had every shingle gone from the roof with just the tar paper under it left. Those were some of the lucky ones - they still had a roof. 

The AccuQuilt Go! quilt along block was posted several days ago.  We are to make two of these blocks.  So far I have one made.  It is NOT perfect, but I think it will work.
Also, a week or two ago I won a prize from Judy at Sew Fun Quilts.
The prize was 200 pre-cut  2" squares to make a watercolor quilt. 
I got some gridded fusible to make it easy to do and I added a package of my own pre-cut pieces to it (mine are on the right) 
I just put the white cardboard under my prize pieces for good contrast. 
When I finally get the chance to play with this, it should be SEW Fun!


Pat said...

That damage must have been very upsetting to see. I can't imagine having that minute things are fine and the next, they are gone. *sigh* Your block is very nice looking and congrats on your win. said...

It is amazing to see the damage that a tornado can do... and how random it can be. I have helped clean up a small town that was nearly wiped out back in 2006. If I lived nearby, I would be there... helping folks out.

Block and win are good too.

limpingalong said...

Here on the gulf coast we get hurricanes -- a group was talking, recently, and decided that with hurricanes you at least get some warning. With tornados you don't get much, if any. They didn't want to trade! How terrible to have one suddenly drop on you, tearing you life apart like the trees/car, etc. that you pictured. So sad for all those who were involved in this. Thanks for sharing.

Jocelyn said...

We saw some of the damage off the Interstate when we were driving south from Paducah. Ringold had a section where everything was just gone! There was metal shoved under an overpass, and we thought it was a car. But as we got closer it was the metal railing from the side of the road. I can't imagine the devastation in ALA.

Barb said...

Oh no, you are on a winning streak again...

It as always amazed me the forces of nature and what damage it can do...and sometimes as if it picks and choses who or what to take. We were traveling during all of this, the wind and rain was following us, I didn't realize how may tornados were out that night...amazing.

Tangos Treasures said...

Wow on the picture of damage!
Love the block!! Congratulations on the win! Can't wait to see what you come up with!!

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Oh those square look like fun Gene. You are wonderful to go and help out...what a mess those folks are in. My thoughts and prayers are with you and with them.


Royce said...

Several years ago we had bad tornadoes here and my mom's little house didn't get too much damage but part of the roof from the house next door went right threw her stone/ metal reinforced garden bench. It's just plan scary. I run hide in the hall a lot quicker now than I used to when I hear the sirens. A few weeks ago me and the babies slept in there for a while it was so bad.
Your block looks perfect from here.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I can only imagine the destruction and devastation you observed. I hope that people are beginning to be able to put their lives back together after such a terrible tragedy.
Your block looks perfect to me :)
Can't wait to see what you are going to create with the squares.