Here is the letter from our "Chief Angel" including a prayer at the end.
Dear Quilt Angels
Sitting here this morning sipping coffee, contemplating the events of this wonderful Christmas, I realize just how Blessed and fulfilling this Christmas has been. Not the least of these Blessings has been the outpouring of total strangers for a purpose that I happened to learn about by happenstance.
Sunday before Thanksgiving, I was sitting at a table in the dining room of our Church talking with Shelia, a close friend and the cook for Sunday morning breakfast at church. We were talking about what we were doing for the holidays, our family and friends gatherings when a couple of other lady friends joined us and we laughed and chatted for a bit. Two of the ladies got up and went on to choir, leaving myself, Shelia and Ms. Maggie. The conversation lagged as we drank our coffee. Ms. Maggie asked Shelia what was needed at the shelter. Shelia said as always they needed funds. She thought for a moment then said that they could use new afghans as the ones they had were getting awfully worn out as the kids liked to wrap up in them during cold weather. As Shelia finished speaking, the call for Sunday School came, so I collected by stuff and went to class.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I kept thinking about the need for wraps at the shelter. I am only an amateur photographer in my off time, and a paper slinger the rest of the time! I was not sure how to go about this thing. So the weekend after Thanksgiving, my friend Gene and I were having coffee and knowing that he quilts, I asked him about making several lap quilts for the kids in the shelter. He asked how many were there. I told him I had found out they had eight kids. He said he wanted to help, but did not have the time to make eight quilts and make his other obligations too. But he would make two! After a couple minutes of silence, he said he would ask his online quilting friends if any wanted to contribute. I said I would pay him for the quilts and to see what his friends wanted for a few more. He called me a short while later and told me that several of his friends wanted to donate quilts, and instead of paying him for them simply to put up a prize for those who wanted to participate. I agreed. So he posted on his blog the need for a few Angels.
Then the most wonderful thing happened... he called me later in the weekend and said that several quilts had already been promised. I was totally surprised and elated that total strangers were willing to donate their hard work and time for someplace and someone they didn't even know. As I sat back and regained my composure, I reflected on this and came to the realization that in our fast pace life, we tend to loose site of the fact that there are still people around us who have soft and caring hearts and are more that willing to help when the need arises.
The final total for quilts was 16! The Ogden House was very appreciative for the donations. I have been totally blown away by the response, the caring, encouraging comments, thoughts and prayers from each of you and wanted to express my Thanks to you for being the major players in making a bunch of kids really excited this Christmas. And a special thanks to each for lifting this old heart of mine by showing the true Spirit of Christmas has not been lost.
God Bless you, each and everyone for your bountiful gift.
Everlasting God, you have ordained and constituted in a
wonderful order the ministries of angels and mortals:
Mercifully grant that, as your holy angels always serve and
worship you in heaven, so by your appointment they may
help and defend us here on earth; through Jesus Christ our
Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one
God, for ever and ever. Amen
wonderful order the ministries of angels and mortals:
Mercifully grant that, as your holy angels always serve and
worship you in heaven, so by your appointment they may
help and defend us here on earth; through Jesus Christ our
Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one
God, for ever and ever. Amen
And may I add an Amen. Blessings to you all.

Yes, it is wonderful to know that there are caring, loving people out there. God Bless all of them.
Wonderful post, Gene! Quilters are some of the best people out there.
Enjoyed the post Gene....what a wonderful thing you did.
I agree with Linda. I have found so many big hearted quilters since I joined the blogging world.
Trying to catch up here, and I can't believe how many posts I've missed. They tell a lovely, heartwarming story!
You did a superb job, Gene....and it was wonderful that you thought to get the word out through your blog! Quilters are really such kind people, aren't they?
What a great project! Thank you, Gene, for caring enough to get involved.
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