Now the good news, the fun stuff!
The Searching for Angels quilts have started to come in. One of the two that showed up came from Alamosa Quilter. You can read about it on her post here. Thanks Lynn. It is gorgeous and I will try to take and send you a good picture of the finished quilt for your archives.
I also got a quilt from KwiltNoob - she said it was one of her early quilts. Hmmmm.. Maybe I should just quit! It is lovely.
I will not post pictures of all the quilts that are sent, mainly because I won't have time and still get everything done before Christmas.
I did promise to make two quilts for this project. I have finished the first one and here are pictures of the front and back. I am calling the scrappy, wonky side the back. I do like to do a scrappy back. The actual blocks on the back are some I just tried with no plan to use them. Then there is a strip of small squares that were left over from a trip around the world piece I did. If I can avoid it, I don't waste anything.
I am calling the organized symmetrical side the front.
I confess that it is less than perfect, but it is full of love, prayer and hope for whoever snuggles up under it. I don't know if you can see in this picture but I did a scrappy binding using two leftover bindings I had lying around I think that adds to the fun of this quilt.
Have a great day and remember to tell someone that you love them.
Peace be with you,

I like this one! I'd call it reversible. And I love the binding. I do scrappy binding a lot on charity quilts.
I love both sides of this. I am trying hard to be an "angel" - have all the blocks cut out from leftover fabric and am in the process of sewing them together. I have to take a break to make pizzelles for a cookie exchange on Tuesday- but will be sewing away - and hope to get it in the mail to you (if I don't screw it up!) this week!!
I am so glad you had a great turn out of are the best Gene to do this. Love your quilts!
I haven't forgot, just haven't made it to the post office...I had a super rough week. Hoping to get out of the house more next week. If not, TJ will post them for me.
I'm just in love with your scrappy back of the quilt. I am a huge fan of non planned looking quilts and this is just so lovely. Hope you computer is better by now. They seem to either be your best friend or your worst enemy.
I love your quilt, especially the pieced back! I hope your puter is all better soon.
Awww, you're such a sweetie, Gene! I love your quilt. Hope your computer is up and running soon!
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