Saturday, July 05, 2014

Deck Garden

In five gallon buckets on the deck.
Play of light on the bean leaves and blossoms.


Looking out from my home on the deck

Ripening for a feast

In a luxurious yellow, blooms the squash plant. 

Peeking from behind the leaf

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Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible unless otherwise stated.


suemac said...

Your tomatoes look yummy.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I think this is the best way to have a garden. No walking in muddy rows through a traditional garden for me.

Jeanna said...

It's amazing all that you can grow in containers. You seem to have a green thumb with all that abundance.

Barb said...

Your pictures have such clarity....just amazing.

Mary said...

I really enjoy container gardening. It's a great option for those of us who live in cities. You certainly are having great success with yours.

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

The more we grow the more we know. I love home gardeners. Our neighbors call our little tiny place "the Ranch" as we grow a dozen varieties of fruit and vegetables each year: blueberries, apples, strawberries, tomatoes, snap peas, zook, crookneck squash, lemon cukes-my absolute favorite, green table grapes, olives, cherries-next favorite, broccoli some years... All non-tree flora is grown in raised beds or containers. Our neighbor across the sidewalk grows flowers that put Senor Burpee to shame. She spends a few hours Every Single Day out there using no power tools except an electric weed whacker, she creates beauty in abundance and I get to see it every time I look out a window or walk out my door. Delightful neighbor.