I was going to get started on it today, but as I was stretching before arising this morning, my text message alert dinged. I still did not get up immediately - but I should have done so. When I did get up, I found that a very close friend had gone to the Emergency Room with chest pains. I decided that I needed to be there as probably, he would be alone. I called a minister (who is also a friend and happens to be much closer in distance) and told him what was happening. He went to stay with my friend until he stabilized.
I packed the car in record time and headed on my trip -which is just over an hour and a half. I sang, I prayed, I tried to remain calm and focused. When I got to the hospital, and got back to the bed, I saw that he was awake and relatively alert. The doctor came in and gave results - all good ones. The labs showed no signs of a heart attack, but he suggested a full cardiac follow-up. I will be spending the rest of the week and the weekend with my friend -just to be sure.
I used the time sitting in the hospital (waiting time) to spin some yarn. The drop spindle is great for that as it is very portable. I had my original Ashford student drop spindle in my backpack so I used it. I was spinning this lovely hand painted wool roving.
I was told by other spinners that "if you can spin on that spindle, you can spin on anything!" As you can see, I can certainly spin on that spindle. The whorl - the round part at the top - is about 3 1/4 inches across and is somewhat heavy.
I was spinning when the nurse or tech came in to remove the IV. She asked what I was doing. I think she was amazed that people could do such a thing. She thought it was all done on big machines in factories.
On Tuesday, I received the lovely red "dragon's blood stone" drop spindle that I ordered on Etsy. The seller kindly included some Norwegian wool roving to get started with. Having never tried the Norwegian wool, I had to use it first. As you can see it spins well.
I put the quarter in the photo for size reference. This spindle only weights 1.25 ounces. It is very light and spins freely. The only issue I have is that the stone is so smooth that the yarn tends to slip. I am thinking that a dot of hot glue on the edge to form a bump will help. Say, did you know that you can use "bumps" of hot glue on the back of your quilting rulers to make them slide less?
This stone spindle whorl is so pretty, I just enjoy looking at it. But it will be getting a workout this weekend while I "patient sit."
My blog is http://blog.geneblack.com

I am glad you could be there for your friend. Pretty wool.
It all kind of makes one wonder how they fit everything in before retirement. I've watched my daughter use a drop spindle with this kind of roving, looks hard, is it? Your spun yarn is very even!
Also, a spot of hot glue underside of ruler...wow! I will try that!
The drop spindle is just beautiful.....and your spun yarn is wonderful! So glad for your friend's good news, also. Glad you are able to be there for support. Happy spinning.
Beautiful spinning!
Glad your friend is doing better. I know he appreciated you coming to be with him. Love your photos of the wool after spinning. So interesting. Will try the glue tip on the ruler. You have such practical tips! Thanks.
You are a good friend! I'm glad he will be OK.
I am happy to hear that your friend got good news. Chest pains are so scary.
I would really like to try the drop spindle. Maybe a very basic one. Love what you spun.
Gene what a great friend you are, I'm sure your friend appreciated the company. Glad to hear the results were positive.
Your yarn looks beautiful.
I'm thrilled by the good news for your friend Gene! God speed in his total recovery and health.
You never cease to amaze me....your spinning is beautiful...anything else you are going to take up...needle tatting perhaps? Or have you mastered that and I just didn't know about it.
You are a good friend, Gene!! It was so nice of you to just be there for him so that he wouldn't be alone. I hope the cardiac follow-up goes well - ;))
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