First I cut lots and lots of pieces. I learned not to add them all up - because doing the math can make it seem like "way too much work." After all, I do this for fun and because I enjoy it.
This isn't all the pieces for this block - I didn't cut enough of some of them - but the purple at top center are for a different block.
I laid out a block to be sure I was going to be happy with the colors. I was pretty sure already.
Yes I like it. The contrast between the background and the lighter purple is not perfect but it is okay.
Then I sewed and pressed and sewed some more.
The units on the far right still need the side pieces sewn on one side.
I may get to that today, or maybe not.
Do you see that pink washi tape on my machine bed? That really helps with keeping seams straighter. I used a ruler under the needle to get an accurate quarter inch then placed the tape.
There is separate piece on the bobbin cover at the same 1/4" mark.
I also used the washi tape to put this note on the control panel.
The single hole plate helps keep the fabric from being pushed down into the machine.
But if you use it and then switch to zigzag - WhAcK! Broken needle.
So a visual reminder helps a lot.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

I love the way this is looking. Yes, too many things to do in one day has always been a problem. That note about single hole plate is a good thing, as is a note about the zipper foot as I recently re-remembered!
WHACK plus a dinged machine needle plate. I’ve done it many times. The block looks very nice!
Love the colors in your block - and your note made me laugh - visual reminders are great especially if they are "in your face" and don't become part of the background like mine tend to do - LOL - ;))
Your quilt is looking good. Gotta love the "note to self" on the machine dial. Great idea.
I like those colors together but I love that light blue for the center.
I have broken a needle because of the single hole plate and wished I'd thought of that note idea! Thanks for sharing it on Wednesday Wait Loss. Love the colors in your quilt. You're making fast progress!
Night Sky is coming along ... so pretty!
LOVE your reminder of the single hole plate!
Happy Quilting (with no broken needles!) :-Quilting Gail
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