Some of you know that I am working to reverse my diabetes. A nice side effect from the process is weight loss. So far I have lost between 18-20 pounds. But that creates a problem. My clothes don't fit so much anymore. I have been slowly working on my blue jeans to adjust/resize the waistlines. Here is how I am doing it.
First I get a few pair of jeans. Today I pulled out three pair of comfy, lived in jeans.
These just nearly fall off when I put them on until I get my belt on. Note: I almost always wear a belt. For this method the belt hides the spots where I have adjusted the size.
The three center back belt loops are key to making this easy.
The pair below has a label right where I need to sew.
Off it comes!
I tore this one, but if you are careful you could sew it back on.
I really don't care for it being there so I trashed it.
Then I fold one of those three loops in to match the center loop.
I don't pin or typically use this clip - it is there so I could get a good photo.
For these I am sewing a simple dart at about half an inch.
Notice that I sew back and forth about three times to add strength.
Then it is repeated for the other side.
Here are both sides sewn.
I didn't worry about thread color as it should never show, but you
could match the blue or the thread color used to sew the seams on your jeans.
I did the first pair one day when I was going to put them on.
When I saw how well it worked, I decided I would do them all eventually.
If I lose 10 more pounds, I will buy NEW clothes. For the
transitional period, this works.
FYI I have noticed that the seat is a bit baggy. But I can live with that.
Taking in that back center seam would make the pockets a bit too close.
At least for now, my jeans fit nicely in the waist again.
That is my Alteration "tutorial" Ha ha.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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