Perhaps you remember that when I make the Quilted Faces, that there was a mention that I mount them on artist stretched canvas for hanging. Today was "prep work" day for the canvases. Normally I just do one as I need it. But I was out of 12" by 12" canvases, so I made a local purchase to refill my stash. I also have a few 5" by 7" pieces, not necessarily faces, but tiny quilts. So, I grabbed a two pack of those also.
Today, my 6 foot table was set up outside. All my supplies were gathered, black gesso, canvases, trash bags to protect the table, "lunch room lady gloves" to protect my hands, a brush, a bucket of water to wash out the brush AND a paper plate to use as a palette for the gesso. I put my phone in a plastic bag, to protect it from the paint also. It needs to be close in case Mom needs me. If she calls, I get there as fast as safely possible.
For these, the center of the canvas is covered by the fabric art. So I don't waste gesso on that area. I simply paint the edges and a border on the front for the small part that the quilt doesn't cover.
Here they are after the first coat.
The red "water bucket" is a recycled plastic coffee canister.
(waste not, want not!)
But the trash bags were a bit short and I had
an OOPS.

See that paint that got on the table?
Luckily this is my portable work table.
It won't be quite so pretty, but it is not a disaster.
A few days ago, Vicki Welsh, fabric dyer extraordinaire,
I hope you go there and find it, but here is a bit of a screen capture.
If you order fabric from Vicki and make anything, you can share it to the
Customer Gallery for a 20% discount on a purchase. The discount is good
for three months which I think is outstanding.
Plus, I love working with Vicki's hand dyed fabrics.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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