A while back I saw a tutorial for a disappearing nine patch. I made one to see how it works. That satisfied me at the time.
Spring forward - while searching for just the right fabric for some swap blocks, I found some pre-cut five inch squares that I bought a while back. The ended up at the bottom of a drawer. Ahhh.... I thought "I forgot all about those." My creative little mind got ideas sometime between finding them and last nite. There are a hundred squares, and I can easily cut more. I want to do that disappearing nine patch again. But this time I want to make SEVERAL blocks.
So last nite, I put together three of them. And here they are:
Set of three
One -a close-up
I am wondering if I should make some with light where the dark is on these OR keep them all the same. What do you think?
I do love that disappearing nine patch. It's looking good there.
Oh, gosh...that's a hard question. I think the disappearing 9-patch is easy to make but hard to figure the colors because your mind (at least MINE) can't wrap around what the finished blocks will look like. I'm sure it will come together nicely as you have an eye for this type of thing. So...sleep on it and then go with your gut feeling about it.
If I were you I'd make a few more the same way to get a feel for them and then see. Changing it up could create a lack of unity or interest depending.
I love what you are doing, I say just let the chips fall where they may and see what happens.
I agree with Barb, do what you do best and don't plan -- something wonderful will result!
How about grouping your fabrics: light, medium, and darks?? . . . then, draw out four of these blocks . . . there are three different scales of 9-patch blocks, all superimposed on top of each other. Use one scale for each of your fabric groups.
(Did that make sense??)
Gene, I just tried this 9 patch myself last week, we must have seen it about the same time. It is very interesting. I did mine with 2.5" batiks and got an pretty block. I ended up cutting into it thou to make ATC's and that worked out very well too. Not sure if you were the one who recommended the micron pens on the Birthday block swap but if so THANKS they are wonderful. Started on my sigs this morning and did a test strip and they work great.
The disappearing patch is a fun block - I have made two of them and they are quite different- One had defined black centers and the other one was a spray of sunflowers.I found when I didn't have defined center blocks that I lost the design. The sunflower quilt is lovely but you can't really tell that its a 9 patch. I wonder if you do some light blocks that you will lose the pattern design like I did with all the beautiful sunflower fabrics.
If it were me, I would continue doing the same as what I initially started because I like symettry.
I am sure it will work out beautifully what ever way that you choose.
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