While I was visiting the Nana after Christmas, she said that her "oatmeal mat" needed replacing It had gotten stained and wouldn't wash clean. I had made that one with some 'cheater' fabric that she just loved.
So today, I found some of that same fabric in my stash and made another. I would suppose the cheater fabric is the front, since that is her favorite.
Now don't be surprised if you might call this a mug rug rather than an 'oatmeal mat.' Fact is she uses it to hold her hot bowl of oatmeal while she sits in her recliner. (and at 80 years old she is entitled to that comfort!)
Here is the front made of the cheater fabric.
Don't you just love the cow mug? |
Aren't the flowers inside this mug adorable? |
I also spent part of the morning working on a quilt, but I discovered that I don't have batting on hand. That changed my plans a bit, so I just folded it up and put it back in the project box without even taking a picture. So I will save that for another day. But I will say that the pieced back portion that is done looks better than the front. I think it is because I am far more free artistically with the back. I don't over think the backs.
Do you piece your quilt backs?

I bet Nana is so happy! Cute "Oatmeal mat" and cup.
What a fun oatmeal mat, will brighten up anyones day!!
I love pieced backs.
I've pieced a fair number of backs, but mine aren't as elaborately pieced as the ones you've done! As for the oatmeal / mug mat, I would use the same side the Nana would use!!! LOL
You are such a good guy and that's a great little mat of Nana!!!
I have gotten lazy and use wide fabric backs, but my Mom always pieced the backs of her quilts - you're right they're really pretty - sometimes more than the front.
I like to piece quilt backs because I never know what I will get. Fun! If it doesn't look conventional, I call it artistic
license. I like both sides of the oatmeal mat!
what a sweet thing to do Gene and I bet she loves the bright colors.......I love her oatmeal mat....happy New Year!
I generally don't piece backs - by that point, I just want to be done!
Your Nana's Oatmeal Mat is gorgeous!
I love it!! And love that she named it too!!
I love your Nana's oatmeal mat, and after seeing the back she might consider that to be the new "front". I only piece my backs if I don't have a large enough piece of fabric to fit. Then, when I do piece them... I try to toss some of my non-pretty fabric in the mix.
I like calling it an "Oatmeal Mat" better than mug rug. I like to piece my quilt backs. Although, I don't do any elaborate piecing on the back, I think it adds an element of fun and surprise to a quilt.
I have never pieced a quilt back, I get the fronts wonky enough with out "wonkying" the back.....lol Love the oatmeal mat and i love oatmeal. TJ don't like it, he's weird anyway.
Very cute!! I love doing the spiral machine quilting - it always looks good!! Tell Nana not to spill on this one!!!:>)
Cute mug and mug rug! As a matter of fact, I don't typically piece my backs ... and blogged about the first one I did piece just recently. I did enjoy it!! But I did think it out pretty thoroughly, too. LOL! :)
I love your little mug rug. I don't think I have ever pieced a back but I may have to give it a try one of these days. I guess I just can't figure it out so that is looks perfect. A control issue.
You betcha! Almost all of my quilt backs are pieced - I like 'em better that way! LOL I love your batiks on the flip side!
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