My dogs are not Gingham though, they are batik just like the birds. The previous birds were blue birds. Today I used the red batik and have two red birds. I am thinking these will go with the other two birds (and probably more dogs and birds) in a fun quilt. I will have to fuse and cut some more shapes with other batiks - but I am good with that.
I had some difficulty sewing around the birds. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I thought the tension was messed up. Then I happened to glance at the thread spool. The thread was wrapping around the rod that the spool goes on. My machine is designed with the thread spool rod horizontally. The thread wasn't coming off the spool properly. Hmmm..what to do? This thread is embroidery thread on a small cone. Hmm... (((Light Bulb!!)))) I place the spool on the bobbin winder post. It worked beautifully. My other option would have been to wind the thread on a spool or a bobbin OR use a thread stand, and well, I was being lazy and didn't want to get up. This was easier and it worked.
**Today's tip(s)
1. When you make something you like and have fun making - repeat your success; it feels good.
2. If the tension seems off, watch your thread to make sure it is coming off the spool neatly. If it catches on the rod, it will wreck your stitches and mimics a tension issue.
Have fun sewing!

Alrighty now! You are having way to much fun. I won a Go Baby myself and bought some dies. I'm going to have to go play with mine....grin.
You could use a thread net on that spool too. There was probably one in the tools pack with your Babylock machine.
I love the birds and dogs... I have the Accuquilt Go, and haven't bought any of the applique dies. I'm not usually a fan of applique - I like the way it looks, but it's not my favorite technique. I may need to reconsider, because I really like the way yours turned out.
Cute doggies!! I've had that thread thing happen to me but it took me a little longer to figure out what was going on.
Cool!!! Thanks for the tips too!!
Very sweet! No machine here for this, but I love the results you are getting.
I just LOVE those birds!
oh how I love those doggies......
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