I also reviewed the book here. I gave it my "Golden Thimble" rating.
So I know you are all waiting to find out who the lucky winner is.
Yeah, remind me to not keep a giveaway running quite so long. (okay?)
Mr Random was so kind as to pick a winner in our giveaway.
He picked
By my count (and two re-counts to be as sure as possible) that is VickiT who said:
Well VickyT my dear, you are the winner. Congratulations. I will be in touch to get your mailing address.

A double-nickel winner -- congrats, Vicki!! You will really enjoy this, I'm sure! :)
I'm excited to check out this book. Thank you so much Gene and Marguerita as well.
Glad the double count came out the same or you may have been counting all night if you got a different name the second time Gene. Then you'd have had to count a third time you know. LOL
That was three counts in total - my original count and then two recounts. LOL
Congrats Vicki! I will be wrapping up and mailing your book today! Thank you so much Gene, for your review and for having the give-away :)
How fun for the winner Gene, great giveaway!!
Congratulations, Vicki. I'm sure this book will be great to have. :)
Congratulations to Vicki but BOO-HOO for me!!! LOL
Congrats Grammie Vicki on your new granddaughter, and the wonderful book. Someone's gonna be busy! Thank you Gene for a great giveaway and review on the book. I'll be adding it to my hubby's gift hint list :)
Congratulations! Oh yeah I'm jealous.....grin.
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