I have to confess that I have been lazy lately. I really haven't sewn anything except the embroidery stitch outs.
A few of you have asked about my little sock monkey. Several of you even tried to help me guess the name. Folks, we were all wrong and even on the wrong track.
The other morning I had an epiphany; the light bulb went on. I asked 'are you a girl monkey' - she answered with giggles. Ah HA! I suddenly KNEW her name. I am happy to introduce you to "Minnie Monkey"
Minnie says if she could have one wish it would be for World Peace. (I think that she thinks this is Miss America! LOL)
She really likes the shiny embroidery threads and she also likes my "fabric rose" pin cushion.
However, looking at her little apron, I think she needs some sewing lessons. That thing is a hot mess!
At least the mystery is solved. Don't be surprised if Minnie shows up again.
I confess ignorance at determining a monkey's gender. I must have missed that day in biology.
Oh yes, don't forget that my videos are available by clicking on the tab that says "Videos-Quilting " at the top of this page.

Cute! :)
Why, hello, Miss Minnie! Never mind about your skirt, we can't knock it out of the fashion park every day, can we? The other girls would get jealous!
LOL too funny!!
I think, and I could be wrong here, but I really think that she's angling for a tiara. Just sayin. :)
Minnie is adorable:)
Welcome Minnie. So happy to meet you! Wink
She likes sparkly things, so she's perfect!
Oh, Gene, you have really started something...I made two sock monkeys for my daughter years ago, and they saw Minnie. They say they are in love, and they are already squabbling over who will write her a love letter. LOL So cute, Gene!
She's adorable!! And it's the first girl sock monkey I've seen.
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