The second one is simply a variation on the first one. I played a lot with colorations. I am not yet happy with my color layouts on the blocks. So for the quilt they are changed. (This quilt is just digital, I have not made it, and may never make it.)
I think it makes an interesting quilt. I am pretty sure it would be awesome if it were done all scrappy too.
If anyone wants the EQ5 project file, just let me know. I will be happy to share it with you. However, if you write up a pattern to sell, I want credit and perhaps a few dollars! Fair enough? Yeah, I think so.

I really need to get that EQ program. The things I have seen created with is amazing. I do love those blocks.
Stop by for my quilt givaway to guess my babys b-day and weight.
It does make an interesting quilt. My EQ systerm is with paper and pencil or cutting out construction paper....
LOLLLL.....a quilter really knows how to use their time. Great blocks!
Sure glad you had some paper to work with! The blocks are great and the resulting EQ5 quilt is gorgeous. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one still working with 5 :)
LOL This is so funny - not the blocks, I mean. They are great...I mean that you were designing in your meeting. I find myself doing that when I am in a meeting. I get bored with the powerpoint presentation or the speaker, and start thinking about a new project or block! I just have to make sure no one else sees my notebook. :)
I can see how to make the blocks (and could do it myself on EQ) but if you already have the EQ file done and it has the dimensions of the quilt and the yardages, that would be terrific. Good thing they didn't give a quiz at the end of your class for work!!! LOL
Good use of your time during that meeting. Funny, I had to read your first sentence twice before I Understood that you meant to say it that way, lol!
Very good ones, Gene. Keep up the EQ work.
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