Ha ha..I have gotten sidetracked from the point of this post. Tonight, August 31, 2012 is the occurrence of a "Blue Moon." I remember as a child hearing my grandmother say, that only happens once in a blue moon. I assumed that meant almost never. After all, I had never seen a blue moon. The moon was always white, yellowish, or sometimes -on a special night orange. But, I thought, if it can turn orange, why can't it turn blue? Ha ha, gotta love the childish logic and belief in "magic."
(I still believe in magic. when my quilt points line up - it is magic. when I hear a song that takes me outside of myself - Magic again! Reading a good story - magic!)
So what is a blue moon? A blue moon is when there are two full moons in one month. Since typically there is one full moon a month, it is truly a rare occasion.
Songs have been written about it. This one is by one of my favorite singer/songwriters. It has been recorded by at least two other artists, but I like the songwriter's take on it best. If you know it, sing along - I always do.
This weekend I will be back to sewing (yaay!) and I will hopefully have some pictures to show you. Meanwhile, be sure you go out and see the blue moon tonight (if it isn't too cloudy - and that looks like a possibility here.) Just don't expect the moon to be the color blue.