My first one had perfect points - but I guess I was too sure of myself after that you see the not perfect point on this one?
It isn't too bad but I certainly see it. Actually, now I see that there are two of them. Guess what? It is going in the quilt just like that! Only another quilter will notice or care. The Cherokee in me believes in leaving a minor mistake as we are not perfect. The Cherokee believe that only God is perfect so sometimes they add an intentional mistake to the work so as not to bring "bad luck" by trying to become on a level with God. I am good with that theory. (Plus, I just hate ripping out seams.)
Quilting Gallery is hosting a Back to School blog hop party -with lots of giveaways. So you may want to check out The Back To School Party. It is a great way to learn about bloggers you have never "met" in your internet travels. Just don't enter for prizes you don't really want. That is totally unproductive. So go on and look around at the party and have some fun. Meet some new people and enter to win a few prizes.
OH Wait! You do want to leave me a comment before you go, don't you???

Hope you get to feeling better. Summer colds stink! Love your blog and this block will look great in a quilt.
Gene, you are so funny. Actually I looked but couldn't see the non pointy parts so I think you're safe. Feel better soon, I'm sending healing thoughts your way!
Love the block & the colors!! Hope ur back to feeling better soon!!
I love the cherokee theory on mistakes. It is a good reminder that mistakes are ok. Besides, at the end of the day, even with the points not matching perfectly, it is still a gorgeous block! Feel better!
I don't allow quilt police in my life, and believe that done is better than undone, and perfection belongs in the dictionary. The block looks great and you made good color choices. That's more important than points!
I don't have a cold, but got plenty other excuses for being behind on my blocks. Feel better soon.
They always say that we are our worst critic, and I must say Gene, I thought it looked great and no, I didn't try to find it....
Your points are just fine--and they'll line up perfectly when it's quilted. That's what I love about fabric - it's so forgiving. Hope your cold is better. Mine left me feeling exhausted. I often think it's the Lord's way of telling us to slow down.
I love that theory, I dont even have to try to make an intentional mistake :) I love your block just the way it is!
Sure hope you are feeling a little better now! I wanted to check in with you and see if you received your package?
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