This is a quilt that I designed and made for a commission. The colors were chosen using the favorite colors of the girl who was set to receive it. I have to say that the color combination is now among my favorites. The quilt measures 92" by 70"
I also pieced the back and it fits quite well in the Modern Quilt Movement in my opinion.
So here it is both front and back for you to see and enjoy.
I free motion quilted this one on my domestic machine. My free motion skills have improved since then thanks to Leah Day's Class on Craftsy. But this was made prior to taking the class.
I hope you enjoy seeing my quilt and if you wish to nominate it for viewer's choice, I would be totally honored.

Well, Good Luck! It is a very nice quilt and back. By the way, i read your blog every morning-don't usually respond but wanted you to know I enjoy your blog!
I love that quilt and definitely think it is a great one for the Festival. I will for sure vote for it.
Very nice quilt Gene and you did a great job with the FMQ. Fun project for Leah's class too!
Well, you did a beautiful job. Lucky girl.
Pretty! Great colours.
Great colors! Great back. Quilting looks pretty great too.
Gene this is a beautiful quilt and I really love the back. Good luck in the contest!
Nice quilt, Gene. I love the pieced back! Good luck in the contest.
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