When Wanda posted recently about a Stack and Slash quilt she was making I decided to make use of her labels list. I saw "Stack and Slash," so I clicked it. I saw one in flannel and thought, that would be a good use for the flannel fat quarter pack that has been in my stash for quite a while. So I found the tutorial and also told Wanda that I wanted to make that quilt. She send me her changes to the pattern. Today I started on it.
One of the first things I learned is that if you are going to stack fat quarters for cutting pieces - trim them to the same size first. (I cut some pieces short on the first go because the shorter fabric was underneath and I wasn't paying attention!)
Second - when the instructions say (in bold) Press to the dark side. Do it - there is probably a very good reason. (sigh)
Anyway, I got eight of the bordered square blocks made and I stacked and slashed four of them. then I sewed them together.
This is not the proper layout because you need more blocks and more fabrics included to make it work out.
Lesson 3 - when using a FQ bundle be aware that the darks and lights are rarely even in number. You may need to pull in another line of fabric to make it work out. When will fabric companies and designers learn that contrast does all the work?
Lesson 4 - this is personal - I don't love piecing with flannel. First it sticks together--but look out- it may crawl also.
So, I may finish this as a small quilt - or I may use the flannel (and these squares) for something else.
Those of you who piece with flannel let me ask "Do you starch it first?" "Do you have any great tips for piecing it without going crazy?"
Meanwhile on the crochet hook -the shawl is coming along nicely.
And on the knitting needles this shawl is coming along much more slowly.
And the socks? Well that rabbit is one I quit chasing for a while. I got tired of pulling out stitches to fix boo boos. And the fine yarn was making my eyes cross.
But I did find a pattern for crocheted socks.......

The flannel looks great, but I would agree, it has to be a challenge - so I stay away from it. I like what you've done though.
Love the crocheted shawl, it's coming along nicely.
Knitting always seems slower...then all of a sudden I check and it's much bigger. Just not as quick as weaving or crochet....
I also agree with you about the fabric companies and the packs they put together!
New flannels need to be cold water washed and then into a hot dryer - they shrink. I press with sizing (starch marks flannel) - then use lots of pins. That's why I like to go to the thrift shop and buy 'used' flannel shirts - they have gone thru that 'taming process' and handle so much nicer. If I think any have too much give, I use a very light weight stabalizer on the backs - like handling T-shirts.
I don't prewash my flannels because I want the shrinkage to happen after the quilt is made for a nice crinkly look. I also never use starch but then I was trained as a seamstress and a lot of fabrics are slithery and crawly so I got used to it. If your fabric is pressed well before cutting, everything should be the same size. A little easing or stretching if necessary makes seams match well with flannel.
That's awesome that you knit and crochet too. I am all thumbs at both. ha! And yes. If you find out the secret to preventing flannel from crawling let me know! You blocks are looking good! :)
These are all great projects. I have never sewn with flannel so I'm no use to you there. Crochted socks? That sounds Iike an interesting project.
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