Those squirrels keep running by. One of them was a stack (or more) of five in precut squares. I decided to make some simple half-square triangle blocks.
And I have a Left-Eze Rule tool which is designed to make life easier for Left Handed Quilters. The tool and the instructions are written in "left-ish" - so those of us who are right handed need to adapt to use it. Seriously though, I find it to be a useful tool in my arsenal.
Since I had precut squares, I just stacked a background square on top of a colored square.
I had already drawn the line before I took the photo. |
As you may know many tutorials tell you to draw a line from corner to corner - there is even a specialized tool for doing it. But you CAN use the Left-Eze Rule to do it.
Just line it up along the top edge and the diagonal will run corner to corner. Then draw along the line.
I use a permanent pen for this since it will be in the seam allowance (sh! don't tell those quilt police folks!)
Then stack them up and take them to the sewing machine.
I chain piece them to speed up the process. Because, for the top I am planning I will need 48 of them.
Next you sew a quarter inch seam on both sides of the line. Cut the apart and press them open and you are ready to square them up. I am squaring mine to 4 1/2 inches.
Here is another use for the Left-Eze Rule.
You can use it as a squaring ruler for half-square triangle blocks! Let me show you a close up of it.
I use that diagonal line at 4 1/2 on the tool right on my diagonal seam. Then I trim those outside edges. I flip it 180 degrees and do the other two sides. It comes out perfectly square. I love it.
Of course I didn't do all of the blocks because I needed to run to the computer and work on the layout. So I drew it up in Electric Quilt.
This is the layout that I used for the
Crumb Block quilt. I love the visual impact that it has. At this point those colors are just to make it pretty. How it turns out will depend on the fabrics in my stash. I am sure it will be "Happy Scrappy."
If you are interested in the Left-Eze Rule, you can
find it for sale here. There are also
tutorials on the website. This is an unpaid endorsement. I get nothing if you buy it - except perhaps your gratitude for sending you to find it. If you have a left-handed quilter friend -OR- a left-handed wanna-be quilter, this will be a great present for them.

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