Did I ever tell you how I got started quilting? Well maybe a few of you remember but some of you haven't been with me all that long. So let me tell the story again.
One of my co-workers shared the same lunch time that I had. We would sit and talk after we finished eating. But she would always have something to work on also. Sometimes it was applique, somethings other things. I did find it interesting. Then one day she asked me to "do a favor" for her. She was teaching her first quilting class and wanted a friend in the class. She said, you don't have to pay for the class even. She did tell me that an acrylic ruler with a quarter inch mark would help. Ha! I had a nice desk ruler that was clear plastic and had quarter inch marks..but not at all what she meant. LOL. Luckily she let me borrow a ruler!
The class was on Paper Piecing or as she called it PFP (paper foundation piecing) I had never made a quilt block in my life, but I had sewn. I was the first one in the class finished with my block.

Not bad for a first block! I was hooked, so I signed up for the second class and made a table runner.
Again, not bad. Thus I became a quilter.
Fast forward to NOW!
I did a quilt design in Electric Quilt that I want to make. However the only practical way to make the quilt is to paper piece some of the blocks. I have made two of those blocks. Each one took me nearly an hour. Yikes, I will never finish that way. So I am thinking of doing a redesign.
But I have a question for you. Do you paper piece? Do you love doing it? Should I post the design /pattern idea even though I will never make it?
I will say that the block is not that difficult. I just have angle issues with paper piecing. And I find it frustrating.
I think now that if paper piecing were the only way to make quilts, I would probably quit. (Sigh, but I am glad it isn't!)
And if you didn't comment on
yesterday's post please go HERE and see it. Make a guess. I have only had a few brave souls so far. I promise not to laugh at your answers.
Probably at some time on Wednesday, I will reveal the correct answers and put comments "back to normal."