Here are the results. There is some puckering - NOT due to the embroidery files, but due to my stabilizer. I used "Totally Stable" and it wasn't as stable as that would imply! I also didn't float an extra layer of tearaway stabilizer under it. Live and learn. I think these will be fine in a quilt anyway.
I also tried a file I got from Embroidery Library It is a trapunto embroidery file. I only bought one of these and it is not appropriate for the current season, but I finally sewed it out so I am showing it anyway.
You can't really see it in this picture but the open areas are slightly raised like trapunto. I have no idea what I will do with this piece. It may go as a Christmas card to someone one day.

how cool, you're just sewing/working up a storm and I'm doing NOTHING......E's home for a few weeks......
I love your machine embroidery. I did the Overall Sam on Saturday (just one) and I so love him. Your dogs look good as well. I need to do some of those as well.
I did go back to the pfaff dealer, I told her about your machine and she said, would have to buy the software to do what your friends machine does. So I was totally impressed with your machine.
Your machine embroidery is wonderful, looks like you are really having fun! Did you do the other block on your machine or by hand? Beautiful!
Quilting by the River
Love your batik cute. Glad to see you are putting that new machien to work all the time! Fun!
Gene, that trapunto is awesome. You are really getting things done. The die-cut dogs are cute and Sam looks all dressed up!!!
Lovely work!
Great job Gene....I've not done any trapunto with my looks great. Way to go!
Fabulous...I think I need to add the doggie to my wish list! I love the Christmas embroidery - so much detail. You're doin' great work! (I'm stitching like mad for another tut! LOL)
Looks like the embroidery bug has bit and you are having fun. Nice projects.
Hi Gene, I love the dogs and sam. I have never done machine embroidery. Your's looks fantastic. Happy St. Patricks Day. Peggy @ Pastimes Quilt Design
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