One of my co-workers shared the same lunch time that I had. We would sit and talk after we finished eating. But she would always have something to work on also. Sometimes it was applique, somethings other things. I did find it interesting. Then one day she asked me to "do a favor" for her. She was teaching her first quilting class and wanted a friend in the class. She said, you don't have to pay for the class even. She did tell me that an acrylic ruler with a quarter inch mark would help. Ha! I had a nice desk ruler that was clear plastic and had quarter inch marks..but not at all what she meant. LOL. Luckily she let me borrow a ruler!
The class was on Paper Piecing or as she called it PFP (paper foundation piecing) I had never made a quilt block in my life, but I had sewn. I was the first one in the class finished with my block.
Not bad for a first block! I was hooked, so I signed up for the second class and made a table runner.
Again, not bad. Thus I became a quilter.
Fast forward to NOW!
I did a quilt design in Electric Quilt that I want to make. However the only practical way to make the quilt is to paper piece some of the blocks. I have made two of those blocks. Each one took me nearly an hour. Yikes, I will never finish that way. So I am thinking of doing a redesign.
But I have a question for you. Do you paper piece? Do you love doing it? Should I post the design /pattern idea even though I will never make it?
I will say that the block is not that difficult. I just have angle issues with paper piecing. And I find it frustrating.
I think now that if paper piecing were the only way to make quilts, I would probably quit. (Sigh, but I am glad it isn't!)
And if you didn't comment on yesterday's post please go HERE and see it. Make a guess. I have only had a few brave souls so far. I promise not to laugh at your answers.
Probably at some time on Wednesday, I will reveal the correct answers and put comments "back to normal."

I have paper pieced. It is not my first choice in the piecing of my quilts. BUT sometimes it is the best way to get an accurate block. I am currently sewing quilt blocks that have flying geese in them. I am paper piecing the "geese" and they are very accurate. Enjoy your blog.
I absolutely LOVE the results of paper piecing but the actual execution bores me to tears. The only reason I do it is because I love the end result. :)
I enjoy paper foundation piecing. Tearing the paper off the back is time consuming, but it's something I can do in front of the TV. I'd love to see the design.
I tried English paper piecing once - whip stitching is way too fiddly for me. I'd use Inklingo to do a hexagon quilt.
I paper piece when necessary, but like you, I would rather not. When done properly, though, it gives very impressive results.
I LOVE FPP, which is what I call it. I love EPP too and the really cool artsy results I can get when fussy cutting with EPP. As for FPP--I always seem to cut my fabric too small for angles, so I just cut huge pieces. I don't do that add a quarter ruler stuff.
I tried it. I didn't like it. For me the joy of quilting is in the doing and there is very little doing when one has to stop after every seam to press and cut.
I like to chain piece and that does not work well with paper piecing. Like you, if paper piecing were the only way to quilt... I'd cross stitch...
I don't know why you call PP "frustration" since you apparently mastered the technique on the first try. I am somewhere in the middle with it -- don't love or hate it so I'm willing to do it once in awhile. However, it does squelch the creative urge to be so exact and follow a pattern. About how you got involved in quilt-making, all that comes to mind is the saying "...and the rest is history!"
I like all kinds of quilting techniques. Paper piecing turns out with very accurate points. I just finished a 4" patch that I think would have been impossible any other way. I ;have done a collection of birds and if you can master that your ready for big time. PK
Hello Gene. I have done the whole foundation piecing thing. It can raise one's blood pressure for sure. I have done little mug rugs and like them a lot. Cheers.
I do Paper Foundation Piece as well as design foundations. At first I found the process laborious and time consuming, but the results were wonderful. Can you imagine have to make and carefully cut out the templates for some of these blocks. After many years of foundation piecing I'm finding that I'm getting much faster. So hang in there, the results are worth it. I don't mind peeling off the paper, sometimes something mindless is nice, just be sure your stitch size is very small so the paper comes off easily. Love your table runner!
I don't love paper piecing, but I do it when pieces are small and/or triangular. i would never be able to get those nice points any other way.
I like English paper piecing, baby blocks and hexagons are my favorites.
Gack! If paper piecing was all there was to quilting, I'd be knitting or crocheting! I think your runner is lovely, and I enjoy seeing other people's projects, but PLEASE don't make me Paper piece!! :)
I haven't ever paper pieced before. Not brave enough! :) I saw a friend do it once and would like to learn someday . . .
I love paper piecing.....almost more than piecing itself.
I have paper pieced...I have made two blocks and if I recall, they took me about an hour each. I love the results though....I would love to see your block!
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