We received a total of 16 quilts, one for every resident that was there. The day of the delivery was amazing. We delivered on Christmas Eve (partly because we started the project too late to manage it any time sooner.) There were two residents that did not go home for Christmas. Why? (I had to ask, didn't I?) The one answer made me so sad, but also glad that we had done the project. "It just isn't a safe place for her to be right now." While this broke my heart for her, I realized that I have so much to be grateful for. My parent's house has always been a safe place for me. Even to this day, when I am acting as partial caregiver to my mom, I feel safe and loved at her house. I am truly grateful that I always had a safe haven.
One touching moment from the delivery was when the two picked their quilt from the stack. One picked her quilt and was really looking it over when she saw that the giver had put a label. In awe, she asked "Did someone in Virginia really make this for me?" Obviously she had never had so tangible a gift that was given with unconditional love. I managed to smile through the entire time we were there for the delivery but at times the tears really threatened. I thought I knew the real meaning of Christmas before that but it really gained a deeper meaning for me that day.
Okay so, here is what I am asking: Could you, would you be able to find it in your heart to make a quilt for this endeavor? We would like to match the number we did last year which is 16 quilts. The quilts need to be 45" by 60" inches or bigger as these are all teenagers. We prefer a gender neutral fabric selection as there are both boys and girls in the shelter. The quilt needs to be here by December 12th but if you are running behind communicate with me and we can probably work out a late time for you. (however, earlier is better)
Your binding can be finished by machine - it is generally faster and stronger, but if you want to hand sew it down that is okay too. Labels are a great addition to the quilt - you don't have to put your name if you don't want to. I would love for you to put the STATE your are sending it from and maybe "made with love" on it.
If you wish to donate a quilt but remain anonymous, please put a note in with your quilt so I don't mess up and list your name in a blog post.
If possible we will deliver on Christmas Eve again. It really made Christmas more meaningful to me last year.
Last year we had a prize and this year we want to have prizes too. We are offering two gift certificates for $50 each to an online fabric store such as Connecting Threads or Fabric.com. If you win I will let you choose the store. So there will be two prize winners. But honestly everyone who has enough love in their heart to do this is already a winner.
I will also be happy to accept prizes from other sources. So if you have a store(or just a big heart) and want to sponsor a prize, please let me know. I answer all comments unless the post states otherwise. You can also email me at geneblack At gmail (dot) com.
The shelter home for this project is The Ogden House. This shelter is a part of the Tennessee Valley Family Services organization. They operate on a minimum budget and rely a lot on donations. Needless to say, the quilts are probably the best Christmas present the residents get. One of my friends is making a pillowcase to go with the quilt she is making. I will probably include a machine embroidered lace bookmark with mine. An extra gift is appreciated but not at all necessary. But just for the fun of it, if you include an extra gift I will do another giveaway with a small prize that I will make just for you. Just be aware that it may take me some time to get it to you as I will make it specifically for you.
I really look forward to hearing from you.

I am going to see if I can do something for you in this effort this year. At this point, I can't promise, but I am going to try very hard. This is a very nice thing you are doing, Gene...but having met you, it doesn't surprise me at all. You are a very kind, caring person.
You know I am!! I will be on time this year!!! And posting your link on Mountain Meadows Quilters FB wall...
You know I am!! I will be on time this year!!! And posting your link on Mountain Meadows Quilters FB wall...
Gene, I have a female gender specific quilt I would like to donate, if that would be all right. I made it last winter and didn't put a label on it because I didn't know what I would be doing with it. If you can use it I will label it and gladly start your collection.
I'm curious, is this facility in AL? If so why is it funded by TVF? Do they accept kids from all over or just from certain counties in AL?
I'm in.....and if you end up being short and can't meet the 16, I can send extra from my PL stash. Not a problem at all. This means a lot to me! A little different situation, but kinda the same, you know what I mean! I love you Gene!
Being an ex-Foster parent. I know first hand what these kids go through. They usually don't get any gifts come birthdays or holidays, unless someone else steps in and gives it to them. We had 7 teenage girls at one time in our house. I will see what I can do even though I am super duper busy at this time with other commitments. Thanks Gene.
Gene, I am going to do my best to help you this year. As others have stated, I am not promising you, but I will keep in touch with you throughout and let you know for sure. I sure do want to help.
Gene, I will definitely contribute at least one, perhaps two quilts. This shelter is practically in my backyard! That being said, if I can participate when you drop-off or help in some way, please let me know.
And for those who aren't aware -- the Huntsville/Madison County/North Alabama area is considered in the valley of the mountains of Tennessee (as well as the drainage basis for the TN River) -- hence, though it is Alabama, it's often referred to as the Tennessee Valley. :)
I followed a link from Pat to this post. What a great cause. I will contribute a quilt. Gender neutral...hmmm. Will do.
Count me in for a quilt and an extra little gift.
I have lots of tops. I could get one quilted etc and send out in a few weeks. You know my wacky style.....would you be interested? Liz
Woot! Great response so far! I'm in the same boat as Pat; I'll try hard to do one, but can't yet promise.... (^_^)
Hi Gene, I'm happy to help out. Please send me the address to mail to and I will get a quilt headed your way. Sounds like a wonderful way to help out.
Hi Gene! I'm sure I can get a quilt done for your cause before December! I just need an address to mail it to please ;)
Hi Gene! Actually I have a quilt (my Expanding Possibilities quilt, which is still being quilted) that I have been wanting to donate to a child/teenager in need. It is probably more oriented to females, but if that would be okay, then I will do my best to complete it on time.
Hi Gene, the Angel took over yesterday and quilted the Christmas top I showed you. The binding is on and I need to know if you prefer to have it all machine stitched?
It never fails to amaze me the GOOD FEELING I get from putting a smile on someone's face with a hand made gift (quilt) and lots of love included...giving is love!
Count me in. Just give me an address and I will get a quilt or two out to you. I teach high school and love kids and quilts. They go well together :)
I canʻt remember how I came by this site but will gladly donate a quilt. Plz send an email to kailianu@mindspring.com with directions on where to send it. Iʻll try to have it in the mail within a month.
I can do something, Gene. Let me know what you need. Boy or girl quilt. I can do either. :-)
Havenʻt heard back from you. Is this project still going on? Iʻm almost done with my quilt and it will soon be ready to ship. PLMK - thanx & enjoy the Holiday Season!
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