There is a book I got on sale that show how to do some wonky/primitive type patchwork. The book is "Cut Loose Quilts." I decided to make some of the blocks for a backing that I am piecing. Test blocks can easily be pieced into a backing, making the back of the quilt fun and interesting.
So I did two different stacks of fabric, repeating the green fabric in each. Since this is a stack and cut method you get two blocks for each stack of two fabrics. They are semi-mirror images.
I just sashed them and made one larger piece.
Free cut drunkards path blocks with corner triangles and free cut nine patches |
While I was sewing this, my mind started comparing making patchwork to our lives. Like patchwork, our lives are made up of lots of pieced that are merged together to make a whole. Sometimes the pieces aren't perfect in either our lives or in our patchwork. Occasionally it is a bit skewed -like the pieces in my example above. My maternal grandmother made quilts using whatever she had. They were made for a purpose, but she did try to make them look pretty too. Sometimes there is a piece that doesn't seem to "go" but she had it so she used it. Our lives are like that too. We have some pieces that we struggle to understand, but eventually it comes clear and we realize why that "piece" is in our life. If we are smart and have the right attitude we can use it to make our "quilt" more complete - just like Granny did.
Friends are a great part of the patchwork. I am amazed at the friends I have made while blogging and quilting. I would like to say "Thank you for being a part of the patchwork in my life."
Thank you for being a part of my patchwork life too! I found myself nodding my head while I was reading your post. My grandmother was a patch-worker too - she needed quilts for beds - not for shows - so she used what she had if it went together or not. I treasure the one quilt I have that she made. It is a reflection of the life she was living - wonky bits and all LOL! Great post Gene!
Very neat blocks!!! All our lives are indeed patchwork, no two alike. When they are done, perhaps we present our "work" to the Almighty with the hope it will please. :)
Cool on the blocks!! Your welcome & thank you too!!
Great post! My piecing madness, so to speak, comes from my grandma and her love of quilting.
Great analogy. I don't need a book on how to make wonky blocks...mine sometimes come out that way, not on purpose. LOL
Gene, What a wonderful post. I am so happy to count you as a friend.
This was a really special post and so true. ::hugs:: to a friend :)
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