I made one iPad cover but I am not totally happy with it. I am planning to replace it with two more that are just a bit larger. This one is snug on my iPad 2 and will not close with a first generation iPad in it. (I checked using one belonging to a friend.) I think it would work fine for the larger Kindle Fire.
So I want to increase the size by half an inch all around. I also want to use a different closure.
Anyway, here is the one I made.
Perhaps I can find a better closure method. I started with another pattern and botched it totally. I cut the lining for this one wrong the first time. I don't know why I couldn't seem to get it right.
Anyway, I will probably send this one also, in case they don't get enough. Melissa said they need them no later than the end of October. (Pillowcases are another recommended idea.)

I had to rework mine, too...yours looks great! I will have to hope that mine works as far as the size goes. I don't have one to try it with! Love your fabric choice!
What a kind thing to do for our people deployed elsewhere. Nice job!
What an excellent project and idea... the nice things you do for people always comes back to you one way or another... on another note, Happy Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for visiting mine and Mum's blog. Hugs!
Great fabric! Why DO they have to change the size just a bit everytime?
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