This year we will be doing the Quilt Angels project again. Some of you know that in 2011 the Quilt Angels project started. The project gathers handmade quilts of love for youth who for whatever reason are deemed "in need of care." Many of these youth can not go home because home is not a safe place for them. These youngsters, aged 12 to 17 are housed, fed and taught life skills. They participate in community service and also continue their education while they are in the program. Many of them have never know what it is like to be loved and cherished. Some of them have known love and then things changed for one reason or another. None of them are bad teens, but rather are in a bad situation and need to know what love is. They need to build self-esteem and learn to trust again.
One of the greatest things that happened the first year was when young guy looked at the label on his quilt and saw that it came from Virginia. He was totally amazed that someone in Virginia cared enough to make and send a quilt to him. I think it may have changed his perception of the world. Every time I tell this story it brings tears to my eyes. It is amazing that something we make and honestly take for granted most of the time, has that power.
Guess what? YOU have that power.
I am asking, if you are able, that you would make and donate a quilt to this effort. When we started, we designated it as "lap quilts." We do ask that they be at least 45" by 60" so that they can be used by the largest youngster that is there. We also ask that, if possible, you make it gender neutral. The first year we got a couple of bed sized quilts. Those are great too as they will be loved and used for years. They will be a tangible reminder that "Someone loves you!"
It is preferred that you put a label on the quilt. Whether or not you put your name is your choice. But, a label with your state and a short statement such as "made with love just for you" or "From someone who loves you" etc will add so much value to these quilts in the eyes of the recipients.
If you would like to send a quilt please leave a comment and I will contact you. I know that sometimes we over-commit ourselves. Don't worry if you find you can't manage. Just let me know and I will adjust my list.
I am hoping to add some sponsors so that we can give a few prizes for those who donate. If you would like to be a sponsor, contact me also.
Now a weaving update:
The first scarf is looks decent but the homespun yarn is not something I will be using again for weaving.
I have started another one and here are a couple of pictures.
That bright blue at the beginning is just a header that will be removed when it is taken off the loom.
It is looking pretty at this point. Although I am having a little trouble with keeping an even tension on this particular yarn.
And for those who are wondering- no I am NOT giving up quilting. I just like to have lots of creative choices.