The picture hides the fact that the red end is narrower than the other end. My stripes are rather bowed but it definitely looks handmade- Ha ha! Just not very well made. I will be keeping my eyes open for a second hand loom at a bargain price. I really want a rigid heddle loom that is designed to be its own warpping board (space saving design!) However, what happens, happens..and if that is nothing -oh well! At least I have an idea now what it is like to weave.

You amaze me with your creativity. What a cool way to make a loom. I'll keep my eyes out for any loom possibilities for you.
Looks nice... check Craig's list in your area and you might find a loom there. hope you get one soon
WOW, you even weave? You are so multi-talented! I wish you were closer, my friend Kate has a loom for sale, but she lives in NH. Good luck, looks great!
That is just awesome!!! You are a man of many talents!
Looks wonderful to me! I hope you are able to find the loom you are looking for.
Oh NO! Now I *really* love this, and simply HAVE to do it! I'm not a spinner, but my hands say they would like weaving. If you find more than one loom available, let me know, ok? I'm off now to look at the link in your last post. I'm excited!!! I love your piece, it will look perfect no matter where you put it! What kind of yarn did you use???
Well done!! I think it looks great for a first time without an actual loom. Cool!
Hope a loom pops up for sale. I will keep my eyes open too.
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