Part of the reason is that I was working on other things. Another reason is that I wasn't sure what to use as binding fabric. Finally on Sunday night I cut some pieces from various colors in the quilt and sewed them into a big block about as much as a yard of fabric.
Then I took it to the cutting board and folded it - in that magic way - and cut bias binding.
Monday night I sewed on the binding in its multi colored glory. The binding is a great reflection of the quilt although I left out the yellow and the green. As it was I had leftover binding.
So here is the finished quilt in all its glory.
And of course I have to show the back - because it is really a reversible quilt.
And of course I have the obligatory close up of at least some of the quilting.
Each block of color has a different quilting pattern in it. Some are similar but I don't think any of them are the same.
Mark this one FINISHED!

very nice, love it
Wow Gene this is gorgeous......
Glory is right! What a beautiful work of art! I could see that hanging on the crisp white walls of a modern city loft apartment. What an eye popping piece!
what a beautiful quilt!
gorgeous quilting too..........that is one task I need to master soon.........
so many quilts, so little time.
Beautiful front and back. Either could be the "quilt". The binding just sets it off. Another one done!
I love the multi-colored binding and the quilting in each block, too! (I still can't quite "get" that "magic binding cutting" technique Pat W taught us.....but will have to watch your video again soon and give it another try.)
It turned out great! Love that binding.
These colors are terrific together. Great job on this one. Your quilting adds nice texture to it also. Way to go!
Gene, that is one beautiful quilt. Love your color selections.
I love the way the background color (black?) really pops the other colors. You have come a long way in your free motion, I'm glad you finally decided to go for it!
Yes, make it FINISHED, and absolutely awesome in every way. A winner!
I love this! You did an awesome job! Beautiful, colorful and bold! Just like you and I like them.
That is a great looking quilt and the colors are just beautiful. Did you do he quilting yourself?
Your quilt and quilting is amazing! I love the all the bright colors set against the black as it make it all pop :)
Love your multi colored bias binding. Great job on the video. I will try this method for my next binding...and I'll try it scrappy too. Great way to pull in all the colors of the quilt. Thank you
That is just beautiful! I like the binding!!
A great finish! I see you used a variegated thread on the black, but you must have used matching thread for each of the blocks, right? At least that's what it looks like to me. That must have been a lot of work to keep switching. But worth it!
Great job and I love that it can be used both sides.
All the colors are beautiful. Love the quilting. The scrappy binding is perfect.
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